A downloadable soundtrack

IMPORTANT: These audio files are for personal listening only. If you want to LEGALLY use them in a project such as a; film, video, advertisement, broadcast, game, or music at a physical location like a store you can obtain a license at https://www.sonarchef.com/ 

These audio files play like any normal .WAV files.

General Description: Flute music centered around a the theme of contemplation of the past, present and future.

Track specific descriptions.

Track 1 Flute Forge Lively Leap: Incites and upbeat and energetic mood and carry slight triumphant undertones.

Track 2 Flute Forge Mystic March: Carrying a moderate intensity this track quells anxiety and inspires confidence to face the unknown.

Track 3 Flute Forge Resound: When strong memories rapidly emerge and return you back to the past. 

Track 4 Flute Forge Somber Ascension: Encapsulating the gradual release from glum thoughts after trifling struggles. 

Track 5 Flute Forge Serious Pause: Capturing the tone of when a plan is seriously reconsidered.

Track 6 Flute Forge Sleep Deliberation: Gentle rhythms to relax into a state of mind that avoids overthinking.

Track 7 Flute Forge Here And Now: Soft tunes to focus on the present moment rather than the abstract of the past or future.

Track 8 Flute Forge Progress Reminiscence: Representing the hard won progress of a difficult journey. 

Track 9 Flute Forge Respite Hill: The relaxing relief of smaller accomplishments towards a bigger goal. 

Track 10 Flute Forge Prancing Park: Light hearted tunes to live moving up casual walk for relaxation.

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